knitting, knitting pattern, pattern

Simone’s hat

It’s been a while since I posted on here –  what better way to get back at it than with a new knitting pattern?

My dear friend Simone requested a bun hat earlier this spring – and then got a pixie cut. Because she’s a champ she wore it camping all summer anyway, but I felt bad that she had a hole in the top of her toque that she didn’t need! I insisted on making her a proper hat. She asked for orange, which ended up being the perfect match for this grey rabbit fur pom  pom. I liked the result so much – it’s the perfect 3 hour hat – and I wanted to share it so that you can make one too.



Cascade Yarns Lana Grande in colourway 6029 (100% wool) – 1 ball. This pattern will not use the whole ball. I had 26 g left over.
Size 11 circular needle (smaller than 22″) and double-pointed needles, or long circular needle for Magic Loop
Fur pom pom
Stitch marker
Tapestry needle


To fit an adult head (22-23″ circumference).


Cast on 56 stitches and place marker. Join in the round. Be careful not to twist.
Rows 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14: – *K2, P2* repeat around.
Rows 3, 6, 9, 12: *Baby cable, P2* repeat around. To make a baby cable, knit two stitches together, leaving the stitches on the left needle. Knit through the first stitch again and slide both stitches off the needle. This should make a twist.

After 14 rows of baby cable ribbing, switch to stockinette stitch until your work measures 7″ from cast on edge. If you’re knitting for a larger head, you could make this section longer.

Decrease section: Switch to double pointed needles or Magic Loop once there are too few stitches to move comfortably around your circular needle.

*K6, K2tog* repeat around
*K5, K2tog* repeat around
*K4, K2tog* repeat around
*K3, K2tog* repeat around
*K2, K2tog* repeat around
*K1, K2tog* repeat around
*K2tog* repeat around

Cut the working yarn and thread it through the remaining stitches. Pull tight. Weave in ends and block. Once dry, attach fur pom pom.



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