knitting, pattern

Knitting patterns: bun hats

A few weeks ago, I found a great pattern on Ravelry  for a messy bun hat – essentially, a toque with a hole at the back for your hair to poke through. I thought it was a really practical design idea for Yukon winters, and so did a lot of my friends! I’ve since had a handful of requests for these hats, so I decided to design two new patterns that would be simple but attractive. Both use bulky yarn and large needles so they are quick to knit. The first features baby cables around the brim of the hat for a bit of visual interest if using a single colour. I love variegated yarns, but I find they aren’t always shown off to their full advantage in a lot of patterns – the colours obscure the patterned stitches, or the yarn’s colours pool together in patches around the hat. I came up with the second pattern, featuring garter stitch around the brim, specifically to show off variegated yarns. You can download both patterns from Ravelry for free – the baby cable bun hat is found here and the garter stitch hat here. I hope you like them!




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